Une promo Migros propose le robot tondeuse Sileno city 600 m² à 600.- au lieu de 1'000.-

Recherches de reviews rapides (environ 8) : notes allant de 3.5 à 4.5 / 5

Un seul résultat sur TopPreise. Un vendeur mal noté le vend à 874.-

Google propose quelques site suisse qui le vendent de 600.- à 1'000.-

Le test avec la moins bonne note donne déjà envie.

At $800, it’s the most affordable model we’ve tested and it did a great job of keeping my lawn looking well manicured in testing.


  • Reasonably priced
  • Good cutting performance
  • Quiet operation


  • Lacks GPS and Wi-Fi
  • No remote steering

Un 2ème test positif.

If you always want to keep your garden tidy and well-maintained and are looking for a smart as well as reliable robotic mower, the Gardena Sileno City 600 is the right choice. The robotic mower reliably trims the grass short and offers numerous practical features to program different schedules or areas. In addition, the robot mows impressed me as it worked in a very quiet manner, and was practically inaudible from a distance of 20 meters.

However, when it comes to challenging terrain and obstacles, the robotic mower then has a tendency of getting stuck. It is also too possible to run over small stones or damage other items that are left lying around. It would have been nice if the Gardena Sileno City had an optical obstacle detection system in addition to a more accurate GPS and compass.

On l'a acheté Yapluka l'installer.